i360 073023 Update

Update Today (WIN & HTML):

  • Added Date to Score submissions:
    • Unixtime
    • Removed a lot of my scores from the table - now you do your part ;)
  • Added routine to help ensure latest HS data (fingers crossed)
  • HTML now Saves/Loads Profile:
    • Something i've noticed in my last couple of HTML games is that updated cookies may not reflect changes until Restart or Shift+F5. not sure how to remedy but wasn't an issue before (maybe be my browser settings?)
  • Scavenger now appears consistently near the end of every wave (had it set @ 100 kills in a wave which made it a little too tough to score in later stages)
  • A number of internal changes:
    • Usernames now Alpha-only
      • Function in place to remove non-alpha chars and automatically save "validated" Username (also limits to 3 chars max)
    • Converted Title Rings from Text Objects to Sprites (goodbye, wobble!)
    • Added proper checks for Controller presence:
      • Controller does work in HTML but may take a min to recognize connection? mine is near-instant but please let me know if you have any issues in this regard
    • Removed ability to Quit mid-game (was to be dev-only ;) )
    • Mapped controller Button 2 to toggle Music ([M] functionality)

i think that covers the Update. now, go play & Rate if you enjoy it :)


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